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Dessert Tasting @Mauji Group

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Ezra Torres
Ezra Torres

Buy Clinique Wrappings Gift Set

Good for you! It really is a great fragrance. It sounds as if you are well-supplied, but for anyone reading this who now wants some, the gift sets are on sale at the Clinique website for $28, which is a very good buy.

buy clinique wrappings gift set

My husband got me a Wrappings gift set from the US for Christmas, and it really isn't a Christmassy fragrance at all: I don't know why Clinique only release stock for Christmas (other than liking the joke about it's seasonal name).

Definitely, Clinique's website is the best place to find Wrappings, and it comes in a gift set with body lotion. The bottle will last a while, as it is potent - two spritzes are more than enough for me.

The Museum Shopat the University Museum offers a large selection of quality, unique giftitems from around the world. Hand-blown glass paperweights of various sizesfrom Josh Simpson's "Planets" series are one-of-a-kind ($30 to$1000), and an accompanying stand adds emphasis ($16). Necklaces of hand-made,multi-colored glass beads from Italy ($37 to $58) will accentuate any wardrobe.Bracelets of the same style are also available ($18).

A large selection of pendants and pins modeledafter artifacts of the ancient world can be found, and will become an interestingpiece for any jewelry lover's collection. Any of the amazing variety ofbooks available (ranging in topic from Korean-style cooking to the livesof Ancient Sumerians) will surely help quench your gift recipient's thirstfor knowledge as well.

The Pyramid Shopat the University Museum is home to a large number of colorful and uniqueitems that are sure to please any gift recipient. A large number of craftkits, games, books, and toys with a global theme will be suitable actionfigure alternatives for any child, and replicas of ancient Egyptian scarabs($1.40 - $1.87) make wonderful stocking stuffers. Other possible stockingstuffers include world culture sticker and activity books ($1) and MayanOracle pendants ($4.67) that consist of significant Mayan symbols and explanationsin English.

Amazulu, 7thannual Holiday Crafts Market Place will be held on Saturday & Sunday,December 13-14, noon-8 p.m. at International House. Arts and crafts by African-Americanartists and entrepreneurs will include hand-crafted jewelry, cultural clothing,African artifacts, jewelry-making classes, massage therapy, books and manyother Afrocentric gift items. Cultural & commerce workshops will beheld and special guest speaker, Dr. Asa Hillard will appear on Saturday.(All workshops are free with Admission) Admission $1, Children Free (12and under).

The Bazaar Shopat International House is a great place to visit if you're looking for thatspecial item. They feature gifts from around the world: vests from Guatemala,flowerpots from Portugal, and glassware from Egypt and Mexico. The BazaarShop even has a wide range of stocking stuffers. Stop in from December 15-21and receive a 15% discount when you present your PENNCard.

Eckerd on the3700 block of Walnut Street is a cozy place with some holiday-oriented items.Their selection of gifts is limited to small trinkets and ornaments; butthey do have a wider selection of gift wrap and greeting cards. For bargains,check their weekly circular for sale items.

If you need to ship something across the city orto points beyond, stop in Mailboxes, Etc. Located near Eckerd, theycan help you pack, seal, and send your holiday gift to that special someone.Don't worry if you don't have packaging material because they have thattoo. Oh, MBE--that's their nickname--is also the place to go if you wantto drop off your UPS or FedEx package.

Closer to the Quad is Dolbey's. Though theyspecialize in medical-related products, you'll find some interesting giftsthere. Take, for instance, the Anatomy Coloring Book for $16. Adults andchildren alike will find this book helpful in learning about the human body.For the kids who like to play doctor, Dolbey's features the McCoy EconotoneStethoscope for $23.95. Do you think your doctor speaks in a strange language?Armed with a copy of Stedman's Medical Dictionary ($44.95), the Physician'sDesk Reference ($71.95), or the Nurse's Hand Book version ofthe Physician's Desk Reference ($32.95), you can decipher exactlywhat your doctor actually said. Of course, the best gift that Dolbey's offersis a gift certificate.

If you're looking for a quality, unique book forthe eager-to-read gift recipient, look no further than the House of OurOwn bookstore. A quaint, down-to-Earth shop, House of Our Own featuresa large selection of new and used books that are topically organized intosuch sections as European Fiction, Latin American Fiction, and Native AmericanFiction, as well as non-fiction sections with similar themes. You'll finda section that contains books exclusively about the city of Philadelphia,as well as one containing books written by Penn faculty. One can find manyselections of popular literature, ranging from James Joyce's Ulysses(trade paperback, $17) to David Foster Wallace's popular and comical InfiniteJest (trade paperback, $14.95). House of Our Own features a ten percentdiscount on all hardcovers, as well as a number of used books that are pricedat approximately one-half their original prices. Also especially well-stockedare contempory non-fiction books and novels that are reviewed in nationalpublications.

For the health nut and tea connoisseur, the perfectgift can be found at The Seed. They feature a wide range of healthfoods including nuts and cookies as well as herbal shampoo and soap. TheSeed features a most exstensive variety of teas, perfect for you and yoursthis holiday season.

One gift that never fails to please is jewelry,and you need not go far to find that perfect gift for that special someonethis year. University Jewelers has a 60-year tradition of providingthis university with all its jewelry needs. They sell all kinds of jewelry,but perhaps the most unique aspect of University Jewelers is their largeassortment of items which carry the Penn insignia. These include watches,rings, pendants, pens, mugs, cufflinks and card cases, all in stock andall of which can be engraved right on the premises. They can even engravetheir beautiful clocks, yet another option for gift giving. They also offergift certificates and perhaps you would like to surprise a loved one byrepairing or restoring an old family heirloom for that sentimental touch.With free gift wrapping and everyday discounts, what more could you askfor in a jeweler?

'Tis the season for music and you can find allthe latest jazz, blues, and classical releases at Classical Choice.Gift giving is a snap here if you know that your loved ones value the classics.With gift certificates and internet access by e-mail and on the web, they are more than convenient.For the holidays, their sale on box sets of CDs will get you a big thankyou and appreciation for years to come. If that's not enough, well how aboutbuying a membership for a gift? With names like Billie Holiday, Miles Davis,and John Coltrane in stock, you are bound to make someone very happy aftera stop to Classical Choice.

Shopping for kids? Shopping for grownups who wouldlike to be kids? Stop at Out of Time Comics. They have all typesof comic books with a good representation of Marvel, DC Comics, Vertigoand Magna publishers, among others. They also have an array of t-shirtsfeaturing such popular super heroes as Spiderman, Superman and Spawn foronly $15 ($16 for XXL), as well as the new trend for today's youth,role playing card games such as Magic: The Gathering and the Legendof the Five Rings. Other gift-giving options include subscriptions andgift certificates, and for the really young at heart there are the season'slatest action figures.

Struggling to find that perfect gift? Well struggleno longer, because music is the one thing almost everyone needs and enjoysand you can find almost every type of music at Vibes. With largestselection of pop/rock CDs on campus, you are sure to please. But perhapsyou're just not sure what CDs will please the most, never fear, gift certificatesare here! There's also a variety of different types of CD holders as wellas posters, video cassettes, t-shirts and headphones. Stocking stuffersinclude various rock decals and incense. Such convenience and variety coupledwith one to two dollar savings makes Vibes a great option for shopping thisseason.

The Flower Emporiumis making this holiday season easier for its customers with such gifts asfruit, gourmet, and silk baskets that can be customized for men, women orchildren. They feature special holiday floral arrangements and they evenhave a special holiday hotline at (215) 386-3845. They even have an assortmentof adorable stuffed animals that would make wonderful gifts for this season.

One finds myriad electronics and electronic accessoriesat Radio Shack, ranging from radio controlled toy vehicles to stereoequipment and microphones. Accessory controllers for your favorite videogame systems are available ($10 - $20), as well as are Sprint pre-paid phonecards ($10, $20, $50) for giving the gift of contact to a loved one.

My Favorite Muffininvites you to purchase from a range of gift baskets that are availableto satisfy any appetite. Items range from the two dozen mini muffins basket($14.50) to the immense six dozen mini muffins treasure chest ($39.95).Baskets and chests can also be enhanced with 10 packs of gourmet tea ($4.95),4 packs of gourmet hot chocolate ($4.95), as well as a number of other delights($2.50-$4.95). These items are also available to order over the phone at1-888-4-A-MUFFIN.

Why not give the gift of personal fitness to afriend or loved one? University City Nautilus Gift certificates areavailable in any amount, entitling the bearer to one month ($69), threemonths ($169), six months ($275), or one year ($479) on the road to goodhealth.

During this holiday season, let's not forget theplaces where gifts can be found in abundance, the gift shop. There are threegood gift shops south of Spruce St. in the Penn Tower Hotel, Children'sHospital, and HUP. These shops have more gift ideas than you probably thought.They have great stocking stuffers, knick knacks and ornaments and for thekids they have all kinds of games including hand held video games. Probablythe best attractions are the stuffed animals, which will be sure to brightenany gift giving celebration. 041b061a72


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